Sunday, February 27, 2022

My Day


まいあさ、はちじにおきます。そして、くじにクラスがあります。SDHでひるごはんをたべます。しゅうまつ、シカゴへいきます。びじゅつかん (art museum) にいきます。いいですね!


Monday, February 21, 2022

えいが:トトロ (Totoro)


This weekend, I watched the Japanese movie My Neighbor Totoro. It is about two sisters, Satsuke and Mei, who move to an old house in the Japanese countryside with their dad. Their mom is in the hospital, and they spend a lot of time out in nature, where they meet spirits that befriend them. One of these characters is a giant fluffy one named Totoro, who they meet while waiting for their dad at the bus. The movie highlights the importance of friendship and being an open-minded, innocent child. 

I watched the film in Japanese with English subtitles, which allowed me to understand the plot but also recognize Japanese words while listening. I throughly enjoyed this movie and it brought back many good memories, namely when I watched it as a middle schooler in Japanese class. I would highly recommend this film to anyone who likes Japanese movies and sweet storylines. Bye for now! じゃあね!

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

About Me

 みなさん、おはようございます!プレスト(ぷれすと)です。わたしのだいがくは Notre Dameです。いちねんせいです。アメリカ(あめりか)じんです。せんこうはせいじがく(political science)とにほんごです。どうぞよろしく。


 みなさん、こんにちは! 今日は最後のブログだね。今学期は本当に忙しくて、上級会話は1単位だけで、日本語の勉強は少し大変だったが、いい会話の練習ができた。 三つの目標は少し達成した。一番は料理をすることで、よく炊飯器や「air fryer」でさまざまな食べ物を作った。二番は一週間...