Monday, September 26, 2022

Peppa Pig: Hakubutsukan


As I discovered last year in Elementary 1, I am a big fan of Japanese Peppa Pig for learning new words and testing my knowledge. I usually watch the episode all the way through on full speed the first time and then go back and repeat it, pausing to look at the subtitles and sidebar that includes new or more complicated Japanese words.

In this installation of the show, Peppa Pig and her family visit a museum (はくぶつかん). I thought it was very interesting that the words for king and queen were simply in katakana and do not actually have a native Japanese word, but then I realized that Japan has almost always had an emperor, which is not the same thing as a king. Peppa is awed by the queen's crown and dress, and very surprised that they did not have computers when royalty lived. Peppa sits on the throne and becomes the queen, deciding to eat a lot of cake (very relatable). George images he becomes a dinosaur and chases Peppa around, which was funny. At the end, it is revealed that Daddy Pig's favorite place in the はくぶつかん is the cafe. :)

I recognized words like おもしろい、いす、とてもきれい。I always heard the phrase ”ただいま” in Japan, and now I finally know that it means "of course!" Since Peppa Pig is a British/American show, I did not really gain or recognize any Japanese cultural patterns or plots. I could definitely recognize that their speech was very casual and more informal than our classroom setting since the characters were talking in a family setting. The show made me very excited to expand my vocabulary and start learning what the different endings for certain words are. I highly recommend ペッパピッグ to everyone in our class!

Monday, September 19, 2022




Monday, September 12, 2022



ノートルダム大学がたくさんたてものです。ゴールデンドームはとてもりっぱなたてものです。そして、たかいですよ。ドームのちかくに学生かいかん(ラフォーチュン)です。ラフォーチュンはきいろいです。スタバーがあります。スタバーのコーヒーはおいしいです。それから、ゴッドクアッド(God Quad)はりょうがあります。ワルシュホールとソリンホールとルイスホールとStedsホールがあります。Stedsとソリンはふるいたてものです。ルイスは大きいです。そして、クアッドはたくさんりすがいます。

Sunday, September 4, 2022



あした、フットボールゲームをみます。ノートルデームのチームwill win!! がんばって!Dillonホールでみます。てんきはいいですね。ゲームまえ、SDHでばんごはんをたべます。そして、サラダを食べます。げつようびに日本語のクラスにいきます。それから、べんきょうします。


 みなさん、こんにちは! 今日は最後のブログだね。今学期は本当に忙しくて、上級会話は1単位だけで、日本語の勉強は少し大変だったが、いい会話の練習ができた。 三つの目標は少し達成した。一番は料理をすることで、よく炊飯器や「air fryer」でさまざまな食べ物を作った。二番は一週間...