Monday, November 28, 2022
Peppa Pig: Kakurenbo
Peppa Pig - Purei Guruupu
今週末、ペッパピッグのプログラムをみました。とてもかわかった。It's George's first time at play group. Peppa is very concerned that he is too small to play with the bigger kids, but Daddy Pig insists that he will be alright because he has his dinosaur to keep him company. Peppa introduces her little brother to the group of other animals. Everyone loves George and his dinosaur and he fits right in! Peppa tries to help George paint a perfect "hana" or "flower," but he kind of fails and puts his own spin on it (by drawing a dino instead!). Both of their pictures are proudly displayed on the wall.
In the beginning of the episode, Daddy Pig used a phrase that I recognized: ”だいじょうぶ," or "it's okay." I was really intrigued by the use of "ya" to connect the words George and his dinosaur in an "and" function. I didn't know there was yet another way (besides te-form and to) to connect words! I also recognized "じゃあね" as a casual form of saying "goodbye" to a friend or family member. Additionally, I recognized "ほんとに" as meaning "really?" I also learned a new word: さいこ、or brilliant! In the Japanese subtitles, I saw that the "hana" or "flower" kanji is the same as in はなぶさ先生's name!
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Peppa Pig - Okaimono
今日ペッパピッグのプログラムをみました。とてもたのしかったです!PeppaとGeorgeとDaddy PigとMommy Pigはスーパーにいきました。そして、たくさんたべものをかいました。Peppa leads the way, declaring what products would be picked up next and counting everything as they put it into the cart. They got some spaghetti and some fruit along the way. I thought it was really funny it translated Peppa calling the cart (カート) a trolley instead of just a cart. Also, they translated "potato chips" to be "crisps." This makes me wonder how translations of Japanese might differ across various languages. I learned that "onion" is たまねぎい and おもいでせない means "I cannot remember" (a good phrase for me). I recognized quite a few words from this episode: when Peppa was counting items at the beginning, つぎ (next), もういちど (one more) and I could predict that something was going to complicate the plot or make the trip harder for the family because this is what usually happens in the episodes.
みなさん、こんばんは! 10月14日の授業で日本の職場について話した。実は、私の印象ではこのサラリーマンの場所はストレスがたくさんあると思って、あまり働きたくない。でも、私の日本語が上達したら、コンビニのアルバイトをやりたい。これは情報が多くて難しいですが、楽しい経験にな...
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みなさん、おはようございます! お久しぶりですね!今年の春学期に、南山大学で留学しました。それで、全然ブログポストを作らなかったです。でも、今学期、もう一度ブログを始めましょう!今学期、目標が三つあります。このポストに、少し説明します。 日本に留学したうちに、新しい和食のレシピ...
みなさん、こんにちは! 今日は最後のブログだね。今学期は本当に忙しくて、上級会話は1単位だけで、日本語の勉強は少し大変だったが、いい会話の練習ができた。 三つの目標は少し達成した。一番は料理をすることで、よく炊飯器や「air fryer」でさまざまな食べ物を作った。二番は一週間...